In addition to the minor
locomotive manufacturers already presented on
their own pages, there were a number of others
whose products worked the industries, farms,
mines, forests, and railways of Mexico. Because
so little is known about most of them and their
locomotives, they are merely summarized below.
Mexican builder: The
firm of brothers Rafael and Luis Zetina
manufactured a range of small diesel-electric
locomotives and self-propelled passenger cars at
their shops in Tacuba, D.F., from 1931 through
perhaps 1948. No comprehensive listing of their
production is known. The existence of other small
Mexican builders is a possibility.
Other American
builders: Small American locomotive
builders Midwest and Milwaukee are known to have
exported to Mexico, but records of these firms
are inaccessible.
Other European
builders: References to small English
locomotives, singly or in groups, are scattered
through the literature on Mexican industrial and
railway history. Even one Belgian locomotive is
reported to have labored in Baja California Sur.
No attempt is made here to catalog these. Such an
effort could only duplicate published works and
would still be doomed to incompleteness.