1. mexican - us borders
    Can anyone shed some light on what structures, fences, etc. are at the termini of the mexican - us borders (S. of San Diego and Mouth of Rio Grande). Can one
    Oct 23, 2001 @ 00:45 - voit1@airmail.net (voit1@...)
  2. RE: [BoundaryPoint] mexican - us borders
    In the early 1990s I visited the Pacific terminus of the US-Mexico border. The chain-link fence ended on the beach about 3-5 meters from the water. On the
    Oct 23, 2001 @ 01:35 - Dallen Timothy (Dallen Timothy <dtimothy@...>)
  3. RE: [BoundaryPoint] mexican - us borders
    I was at the mouth of the Rio Grande in March 1996, by driving south along the beach from Boca Chica, Texas, and there were no fortifications or signs of
    Oct 23, 2001 @ 01:43 - David Mark (David Mark <dmark@...>)
  4. RE: [BoundaryPoint] mexican - us borders
    I was at San Diego/Tijuana late 1995 and the fence extended into the sea then. It is chainlink in places and steel panels in others. No problem walking across
    Oct 23, 2001 @ 04:04 - Brendan Whyte ("Brendan Whyte" <brwhyte@...>)
  5. Re: [BoundaryPoint] mexican - us borders
    At the San Diego/Tijuana border, the thick metal fence actually extends maybe 20 feet into the sea. Unless there is an underground fence extending further,
    Oct 23, 2001 @ 13:28 - PitHokie (PitHokie <pithokie@...>)
  6. Re: [BoundaryPoint] mexican - us borders
    I found a Time Magazine photo essay on the US-Mexican border. The title page shows, though is untitled, the fence going into the Pacific from the Mexican
    Oct 23, 2001 @ 15:14 - Doug Murray for StockPhotosOnline.com ("Doug Murray for StockPhotosOnline.com" <dmurray@...>)