1. belize guatemala mexico tricountry point update
    following upon the initial reports by doug in message 857 about this the closest tricountry point to canada & the usa some new bzgtmx leavenings & monumental
    Apr 27, 2001 @ 01:46 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] belize guatemala mexico tricountry point update
    apologies to the other mike donners for reciting myself so much but this bzgtmx situation is really part of a much larger batter & tho it still has a good way
    Apr 27, 2001 @ 17:58 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)
  3. Re: belize guatemala mexico tricountry point update
    ... both the ... Hollering The Marowini/Marouini triangle was awarded to the Netherlands through arbitration by the emperor of Russia in 1891, but it looks
    Apr 28, 2001 @ 00:18 - Peter Smaardijk ("Peter Smaardijk" <smaardijk@...>)
  4. brfrsr & brgysr from bzgtmx
    ahh thanx peter so in this case suriname seems to have a rather good case despite the fact that brazil also places this tripoint to surinames detriment much
    Apr 28, 2001 @ 02:17 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)
  5. gfsr boundary
    Getting back to an old issue, because I found out I have been hideously misinforming you all... The gfsr boundary was always defined as the Marowijne/Maroni
    Jun 22, 2001 @ 11:01 - Peter Smaardijk ("Peter Smaardijk" <smaardijk@...>)