1. the lost kingdom of the rockies
    this topic recently raised by anton & initially dismissed by me out of ignorance owing to a coloring mistake in bus&ss fig3 p11 & then gratefully retrieved by
    Dec 05, 2001 @ 01:17 - michael donner (michael donner <orc@...>)
  2. the great State of Jefferson
    m et. al, I may have touched on Jefferson earlier, but it never really came to be a state. The day after the movement seemed to be gaining ground, the
    Dec 05, 2001 @ 01:48 - PitHokie (PitHokie <pithokie@...>)
  3. Re: the great State of Jefferson
    brendan the oft proposed state of jefferson you have been talking about here on the west coast isnt the same as the actual historic state of jefferson that
    Dec 05, 2001 @ 02:31 - orc@orcoast.com (orc@...)
  4. US non-states and one trivia question
    m, sorry for confusing the two! do you have any reference for the one of which you speak? was it actually recognized by congress? i have never heard of such
    Dec 05, 2001 @ 04:29 - PitHokie (PitHokie <pithokie@...>)
  5. Re: US non-states and one trivia question
    ... no it was evidently just an upstart wild west thing but briefly real source boundaries of the united states & the several states aka bus&ss or just the
    Dec 05, 2001 @ 04:49 - acroorca2002 ("acroorca2002" <orc@...>)