1. possibly another new interstate quadricounty point
    the maps show it as a near miss at gasw http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lat=30.71&lon=-84.86&s=25 &symshow=n & tho things surely got mussed up by seminole dam
    Jan 15, 2003 @ 16:57 - acroorca2002 <orc@orcoast.com> ("acroorca2002 <orc@...>" <orc@...>)
  2. new interstate quadricounty point is confirmed
    a smoking gun at gasw http://www.cviog.uga.edu/Projects/gainfo/histcountymaps/semin ole1915map.htm ...
    Jan 15, 2003 @ 19:39 - acroorca2002 <orc@orcoast.com> ("acroorca2002 <orc@...>" <orc@...>)
  3. yet another newfound interstate quadricounty point sort of
    ... gladly & sure enough just where the red river used to cross the arla state line http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?z=15&n=3653024&e=42468
    Jan 16, 2003 @ 00:16 - acroorca2002 <orc@orcoast.com> ("acroorca2002 <orc@...>" <orc@...>)
  4. yet another sort of
    & where the ouachita river also crosses the arla state line a matching but wet bicounty plus biparish sort of quadripoint providing a ninth member of the
    Jan 16, 2003 @ 00:54 - acroorca2002 <orc@orcoast.com> ("acroorca2002 <orc@...>" <orc@...>)
  5. RE: [BoundaryPoint] yet another sort of
    According to my count, I have found 18 interstate and 1 interstate/province points in the US. Someday I ll get this posted along with the intrastate quad
    Jan 16, 2003 @ 02:45 - jparsell ("jparsell" <jparsell@...>)
  6. RE: [BoundaryPoint] yet another sort of
    Correction on message below. I meant to say 18 interstate county quad points. The international one is Flathead & Glacier counties Montana, Waterton Lakes,
    Jan 16, 2003 @ 03:03 - jparsell ("jparsell" <jparsell@...>)
  7. Re: yet another sort of
    hahaha ok jack but no hurry here i just found my tenth us2ndsd3cacoemsi http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?z=14&n=5088260&e=38353 6&s=50&symshow=n so i guess they
    Jan 16, 2003 @ 03:18 - acroorca2002 <orc@orcoast.com> ("acroorca2002 <orc@...>" <orc@...>)
  8. interstate tertiary megapoints of the usa continued
    well jack i am not sure i can name all 18 of yours as promised in our recent messages 8663 thru 8665 in fact i am pretty sure i am still missing a few but i do
    Jan 18, 2003 @ 15:11 - acroorca2002 <orc@orcoast.com> ("acroorca2002 <orc@...>" <orc@...>)