1. Demarcation line, Poland, 1939
    http://www.ipn.gov.pl/aktual_17wrzesien39.html The text to the first picture is: Here starts the German-Soviet-Lithuanian demarcation line. The web page is
    Aug 20, 2002 @ 00:18 - Peter Smaardijk (Peter Smaardijk <smaardijk@...>)
  2. RE: [BoundaryPoint] Demarcation line, Poland, 1939
    A great page with great pictures, Peter S!!! The pictures shall have been taken on September 17th 1939 (17 wrzesien 39). This was just after August 23rd when
    Aug 20, 2002 @ 09:43 - Jan S. Krogh ("Jan S. Krogh" <jan.krogh@...>)