1. Bill Burke's Baarle trip
    Bill, I have recent dutch 1:25.000 maps of Baarle and surroundings. I could put scans of it on the internet for downloading. Let me know. An older Belgium scan
    Nov 02, 2001 @ 10:59 - Eef Berns ("Eef Berns" <eefberns@...>)
  2. RE: [BoundaryPoint] Bill Burke's Baarle trip
    Eef, Yes please re scans.I think we will go late winter/ early spring for a long weekend via the Tunnel. Brendan informs me that there are no English
    Nov 02, 2001 @ 16:01 - Bill Burke ("Bill Burke" <bill@...>)
  3. RE: [BoundaryPoint] Bill Burke's Baarle trip
    Re the 1962 military map on Barry s site. It is the 1:25,000 Belgian topo. At the time, Belgian topos were produced by the Institut Geographique Militaire
    Nov 03, 2001 @ 05:17 - Brendan Whyte ("Brendan Whyte" <brwhyte@...>)