1. BE-DE: Smallest Vennbahn enclave
    I have uploaded to the files area an Excel spreadsheet with the measurement data for the smallest Vennbahn enclave. Basically it is a series of measurements
    Aug 08, 2006 @ 14:12 - Brendan Whyte (Brendan Whyte <bwhyte@...>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] BE-DE: Smallest Vennbahn enclave
    brendan thanx for thinking of us with all these puzzling data but when you ask is it useful or interesting i have to wonder with you useful or interesting for
    Aug 08, 2006 @ 14:18 - aletheia kallos (aletheia kallos <aletheiak@...>)
  3. BE-DE: Smallest Vennbahn enclave
    I have updated the file to include area calculations, which I have explained in the file. I hope you can follow them. The figure I get agrees with German
    Aug 09, 2006 @ 09:08 - amcirclevp ("amcirclevp" <bwhyte@...>)
  4. Re: [BoundaryPoint] BE-DE: Smallest Vennbahn enclave
    well i cant follow because i cant open the xls file but no matter because i at least understand you are appreciating & celebrating something & thats the
    Aug 09, 2006 @ 19:56 - aletheia kallos (aletheia kallos <aletheiak@...>)