1. East Berlin border posts
    Hi all, this might be off-topic, but I was making a bet with a lady about the border crossings between East and West Berlin before 1989. If I lose, I have to
    Mar 08, 2005 @ 13:24 - lacomaco ("lacomaco" <finance@...>)
  2. Re: East Berlin border posts
    I think you owe a lady a meal. I have a map of E Berlin from the DDR side, and it lists crossing points, and doesn t have Alexanderplatz listed. I have a news
    Mar 09, 2005 @ 03:27 - L. A. Nadybal ("L. A. Nadybal" <lnadybal@...>)
  3. AW: [BoundaryPoint] East Berlin border posts
    Hi Laszlo, Sorry, I am a latecomer - due to holiday absence. Although being German, I am NOT an expert, but three things are sure: 1) There was no border
    Mar 19, 2005 @ 06:48 - Wolfgang Schaub ("Wolfgang Schaub" <Wolfgang.Schaub@...>)