1. good fellow rock
    http://ecole.nevache.free.fr/PageUniq/frontier.htm shows another handsome old international rock evidently still functioning as a french interregional
    Mar 29, 2001 @ 20:51 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] good fellow rock
    There are still people who would like to restore that pretty border stone to international service: http://notre.savoie.free.fr/ Peter S.
    Mar 30, 2001 @ 07:44 - Peter Smaardijk (Peter Smaardijk <peter.smaardijk@...>)
  3. Re: [BoundaryPoint] good fellow rock
    good fellow bringing just the perfect next part of the story twice again both here below & at the col these important historical details push the possible
    Mar 30, 2001 @ 15:28 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)