1. demarcation footage
    LTRU protective zone (200 meters inwards) on Curonian Lagoon ice gets demarcated by LT borderguards. (bouys mark it in summer, but this is the first time they
    Dec 22, 2002 @ 06:25 - Karolis B. <kbajoraz@yahoo.com> ("Karolis B. <kbajoraz@...>" <kbajoraz@...>)
  2. Re: demarcation footage
    carlos rest easy it is not that no one is responding to lithuania again more likely it is just that everyone is off partying too hard or hibernating but your
    Dec 22, 2002 @ 15:26 - acroorca2002 <orc@orcoast.com> ("acroorca2002 <orc@...>" <orc@...>)