1. Medvež’e and San’kovo - an eyewitness account
    Just found on the site of the Russian weekly Rossija ( http://www.russianews.ru/index.php?body=pub&id=103 ). (translation is mine; Latin-2 encoding for best
    Nov 25, 2002 @ 12:55 - Peter Smaardijk (Peter Smaardijk <smaardijk@...>)
  2. Re: Medve?’e and San’kovo - an eyewitness account
    a glowing report thanx for the effort & congrats on bringing home our first living ghost clave or seemingly just an empty hole in reality at this point however
    Nov 26, 2002 @ 01:47 - acroorca2002 ("acroorca2002" <orc@...>)