1. PhD supervisors on German enclaves?
    Does anyone know of any professors in Germany willing to supervise (or at least advise/assist) a PhD on German enclaves (national and international) in the
    Nov 20, 2002 @ 21:07 - b.whyte@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au (b.whyte@...)
  2. Re: PhD supervisors on German enclaves?
    Brendan, You might look up the address of the US Consul in Tuebingen. There is no consulate there, but when I worked for the US government in Stuttgart,
    Nov 22, 2002 @ 02:07 - L. A. Nadybal ("L. A. Nadybal" <lnadybal@...>)
  3. Re: PhD supervisors on German enclaves?
    ... Nice idea. You should check a previous PhD dissertation from 1967. Auhagen, Hubert Die völkerrechtliche Stellung der Enklaven und Exklaven / von Hubert
    Nov 22, 2002 @ 19:32 - Wolfgang Pietsch ("Wolfgang Pietsch" <wpi@...>)