1. tripoints versus triple points
    Dear Boundary pointers, I m in the process of reading a very interesting book on Boundary-making...a handbook for statesmen, treaty editors and boundary
    May 22, 2002 @ 19:10 - Peter Hering ("Peter Hering" <hering@...>)
  2. Re: tripoints versus triple points
    ... hi peter the word tripoint strikes me as a fairly spontaneous & universal modernism & an outgrowth of natural language neither exclusively gb nor us nor
    May 22, 2002 @ 23:44 - acroorca2002 ("acroorca2002" <orc@...>)
  3. RE: [BoundaryPoint] tripoints versus triple points
    Peter, I may be the guilty person who coined the term, tripoint or tri-point. When I wrote my book, Tri-State Corners in the United States, I was
    May 25, 2002 @ 18:48 - Jack Parsell ("Jack Parsell" <jparsell@...>)
  4. Re: tripoints versus triple points
    certainly jack whatever the actual priority you are an early & a most major depositor of this word in the great thought bank in the sky from which we are all
    May 27, 2002 @ 03:04 - acroorca2002 ("acroorca2002" <orc@...>)