1. karki
    here is karki as mentioned on jans enclaves page http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/EART/maps/azerbaijan/J-38-006.jpg jans site:
    May 10, 2002 @ 22:51 - chris ("chris" <wertkauf@...>)
  2. Re: karki
    Bye the way, Kärki is now named Tigranashed and is populated by Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan. In fact all enclaves of both countries seem to be occupied.
    Aug 02, 2002 @ 09:19 - pho_tek ("pho_tek" <pho_tek@...>)
  3. Re: karki
    pho_tek wrote: Bye the way, Kärki is now named Tigranashed and is populated by Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan. (...) A small correction: it is
    Aug 02, 2002 @ 10:26 - ps1966nl ("ps1966nl" <smaardijk@...>)
  4. Re: karki
    ... You are right, I was typing incorrect. I made a small study of all the enclaves and even informed with some local Armenian Human Rights Groups. The Azeri
    Aug 02, 2002 @ 19:40 - pho_tek ("pho_tek" <pho_tek@...>)