1. in further appreciation of the 12 gcebe tricountry point tries
    cribbing primarily from jespers link in message 4650 http://www.geocities.com/graenser/tripoints since it is the only one that embraces all 12 tries but also
    Nov 24, 2001 @ 11:29 - michael donner (michael donner <orc@...>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] in further appreciation of the 12 gcebe tricountry point tries
    ... The czpl border is wet. You can follow the tiny stream , just right of the river side bush, the it turns left and then into the woods. I am indicating tp
    Nov 25, 2001 @ 15:50 - Jesper & Nicolette Nielsen ("Jesper & Nicolette Nielsen" <jesniel@...>)
  3. Re: in further appreciation of the 12 gcebe tricountry point tries
    ... thanx jesper any showing of pix with diagrams of the three elements of each of the trilines meaning the distinct tripoints at either end & the lines
    Nov 26, 2001 @ 01:21 - orc@orcoast.com (orc@...)
  4. Re: [BoundaryPoint] Re: in further appreciation of the 12 gcebe tricountry point tries
    Imm010: The northern tip of Condominium Island , photographed from the artificial isthmus towards LU and the tripoint. Imm013: Standing on triline on
    Dec 02, 2001 @ 13:44 - Jesper & Nicolette Nielsen ("Jesper & Nicolette Nielsen" <jesniel@image.dk>)