1. Western Espoo
    The western city boundary of Espoo (a city west of Helsinki) features a very narrow needle-like appendage. I found an on-line map of Espoo and one can zoom in
    Sep 01, 2004 @ 00:08 - Craig ("Craig" <trehala@...>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] Western Espoo
    From the aerial photo, it appears not to conform to any surface features, but rather cuts across some woods and a meadow in a valley bottom. Perhaps its
    Sep 01, 2004 @ 14:47 - Lowell G. McManus ("Lowell G. McManus" <mcmanus71496@...>)
  3. Re: Western Espoo
    precious find & nice question craig & seeing as nobody has offered any cartological explanation yet for this mindboggling proruption comprising not just a
    Sep 01, 2004 @ 15:37 - aletheiak ("aletheiak" <aletheiak@...>)