Subject: Re: just for example
Date: May 27, 2002 @ 20:01
Author: acroorca2002 ("acroorca2002" <orc@...>)
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--- In BoundaryPoint@y..., "granthutchison"

> > here is what the animaniacs have to say
> And a link to a distant file is fine, assuming we have a website to
> put our files on - me, I have no inclination to become the Web's
> 205,317,650th tedious personal website. (No offence intended, of
> course, to all those BPer's who maintain *interesting* sites!)
> But this link of yours is now *very much* lost data - since your text
> makes no reference to what it's about, it'll never come up on any
> useful search of these messages.

ok i agree with everything you say & thats exactly why i wrote in the
word animaniacs
which i considered easily the single most memorable aspect of this
little treatise
& thus the one i or anyone would normally use to search for it
or so i thought

& not being nor wanting to be any more exhaustive an indexer generally
nor expecting anyone but perhaps you & a few others to be so careful &
thoughtful as to hit on the most ideal term or terms whenever
depositing or searching for data
i think we are bound to be hitting &or missing this way all the time
as is presently the case with the bp engine

so i dont agree anything was or would be lost

just not necessarily gained to the same extent by everyone forever
as is presently the case
as well ok with me

but if or whenever you can do better
of course please do

> Whereas the Files area is an obvious place to search, it takes about
> a minute to look through it by hand, and it is nicely annotated. And
> when I upload there, I take care to post a message containing
> relevant information about the upload, which is then accessible by
> the message search process - effectively a link to the file itself.
> The alternative is for me to inflict a megabyte of data on everyone
> who subscribes to this group, by including it as a message attachment
> or (heaven forfend) part of the message itself.
> As to your difficulty downloading data via library computers, I can't
> comment - perhaps they're deliberately set up that way to avoid
> maniacs downloading 6.2MB animations? But I think you just need a
> little advice and tweaking of your own computer in order to get this
> function working - me, I don't know anyone else who *can't* download
> files in this way!

all true &or i will take your word in this case for what i cant
personally confirm
but i confess i am astonished to be not only the odd man out but
mistaken as well in this case


are you sure everybody is getting everything
