Subject: egmosh is ours
Date: Apr 18, 2005 @ 23:30
Author: aletheia kallos (aletheia kallos <>)
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a stunning success
class a
on the heels of messages 17410 17409 17364

play by play summary follows

returned to berkshire school this morning & proceeded
directly up the true elbow trail so effectively that i
didnt even notice when it met the appalachian trail
& so kept bearing leftish or south at that point
tho i should have turned hard right or north for the
& only after half a mile of walking in the wrong
direction on the appalachian trail did i realize the
elbow trail blazes had changed
& that it could well mean i had made a mistake

so i walked back a quarter of a mile
before persuading myself that it might not have been a
mistake either
but only another in the long series of switchbacks &
inconsistent markings & changes in character

so i turned about again
& walked forward an additional half mile before
turning about again
while beginning to wonder if egmosh really was the
right name after all
seeing as her elusiveness & contrariness hadnt really
seemed to diminish at all since the second name change

but when i finally did find my way back to the blown
i realized that my going the extra mile for this
& even going it twice
as i estimate i actually did in all these turnabouts
was completely in character with both her & me
& thus i felt right on course in more ways than one as
i finally did catch the right trail in the right
now already within only half a mile of the objective

great excitement
but i also had to keep a lid on it since the next
maneuver in my plan was likely to be the most delicate
one of all
to find the egmo town line so i could follow it to the

for i thought i knew from the topo that egmo is
coincident with the state forest boundary where they
cross the appalachian trail
& i had found this forest boundary to be very clearly
blazed elsewhere on previous probes
so i thought i knew exactly what markings i was
looking for here & expected imminent success behind
every tree
since the distance from the brook to the boundary is
shown on the topo to be only a couple hundred feet

but in the event there was no sign of the expected
markings for many hundreds of feet as i continued
north of the trail
causing me to again doubt my map & wits
until i reached the small knoll at the red cross in
the center of the above map

& of course even that locational identification
like everything else
had to remain tentative
since there was still precious little topological
corroboration & no actual confirmation of anything yet

but it was my best hypothesis at that point
since my plan had proved to be nothing but a

from the topo i estimated the distance at 200 yards or
& the bearing at sse
& headed off through fairly daunting thickets of
mountain laurel
on a dead reckoned beeline bushwhack try

but of course i had to pick my way by inches rather
than feet or yards
& was stuck & nearly stopped cold several times before
finally catching sight of the tripoint monument in a
only a few degrees off course & a few paces short of
my expectation
in as gratifying a culmination as i can ever recall on
any try
notwithstanding the rather pedestrian appearance of
the marker
which the attached pic shows
along with what could well be the surviving
predecessor cairn
i think
just a few feet off in the background

most if not all berkshire town lines were remonumented
in 1914
& markers of this type & vintage are fairly common
thruout the county
along with the extremely pleasant conditions
makes collecting town tripoints in this area a very
attractive idea

so attractive to me in fact that i would actually like
to eat them all

but i just didnt want to announce this til i had
actually bagged one

& as it turns out
now that i have finally tried to scope out the entire
indeed just today as i am also trying to scope japan
i find by sheer coincidence that berkshire appears to
have the same number of internal town tripoints as
japan has prefectural ones
tho i still havent fully confirmed the punctoscopy
here either

so i could still be wrong about either or both of them
having 44 in all
but today at least they are sure looking like
identical twins & sister neighborhoods of a sort

next try will be eggrsh

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