1. Historical pict. of DeDkBorder
    Denmark joined the Schengen - agreement 3 weeks ago. This mile- stone on the way to more European unity means no more border controls = open borders within
    Apr 16, 2001 @ 07:32 - Peter Hering ("Peter Hering" <hering@mail.tele.dk>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] Historical pict. of DeDkBorder
    Thanks Peter To follow up on Peter s message I am proud to annouce that I visted the DEDK border myself Saturday. Photos will be developed and posted in the
    Apr 16, 2001 @ 07:48 - Jesper & Nicolette Nielsen ("Jesper & Nicolette Nielsen" <jesniel@...>)
  3. Re: [BoundaryPoint] Historical pict. of DeDkBorder
    peter great pix this one makes me wonder too whether the schengen loop of the european union shouldnt already be considered as a single country or if not yet
    Apr 19, 2001 @ 00:21 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)