1. Baarle Bi-Quadropoint
    Brendan wrote in quiz answers:: The other case is in Baarle. Demarcation of the Baarle enclaves in 1995 finally created another 2-country quadripoint in the
    Jan 03, 2001 @ 21:32 - Jesper & Nicolette Nielsen ("Jesper & Nicolette Nielsen" <jesniel@...>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] Baarle Bi-Quadropoint
    ... If the farmers let you! It is a single field all around, but owned (or cropped?) by different farmers (relatives of each other). When I was there in
    Jan 03, 2001 @ 22:46 - Brendan Whyte ("Brendan Whyte" <brwhyte@...>)