Subject: Re: [BoundaryPoint] Jungholz
Date: Sep 12, 2001 @ 14:40
Author: Bernhard Lurssen (Bernhard Lurssen <>)
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Hi Brendan,

I'll try my best at the translation. I'll have a go at the original monster
sentence first. Then follows a digestible version.

> Article XV.
> Die Krone Baiern erkennt die Landeshoheit der Krone Oesterreich ueber den
> nur auf dem sogenannten hoechsten Zinken des Steinberges mit Tirol
> zusammenhaengenden und sonst ueberall vom baierischen Gebeite umscholssenen
> Bezirk der Gemeinde Jungholz nach der im Plane Beilage lit. A.[article?] II
> des Conferenz-Protokolles versinnlichten Ausdehnung, jedoch mit ausnahme des
> im baierischen Besitze befindlichen und verbleibenden sogenannten
> Birkenschwandes an, wogegen jedoch die Krone Oesterreich auf alle und
> jegliche Hoheitsansprueche bezueglich des eben erwaehnten Objectes, oder
> sonstiger ausser jener Circumferenz gelegener oesterreichischer Seits
> frueher etwa als Bestandtheile von Jungholz betrachteter Gebietsparzellen
> fuer immer Verzicht leistat, und alle dessfallsigen aelteren Irrungen, in
> jeder Beziehung also auch hinsichtlich etwaiger Erstaz- oder
> Entschaediguns-Anforderungen, als abgethan erklaert werden.

Article XV.
The Bavarian Crown recognizes the territorial sovereignty of the Austrian Crown
over the District of the town of Jungholz, which is connected to Austria only
via the so-called highest peak of Steinberg mountain and otherwise completely
surrounded by Bavarian territory, according to the extension depicted in the map
in the Appendix lit. A II, however, except the so-called Birkenschwand, which is
and remains a Bavarian possession, whereas the Austrain Crown relinquishes for
ever all and all kinds of sovereign rights over the abovementioned object or
other territories outside this circumference and regarded by the Austrian side
as territories belonging to Jungholz, including all earlier errors, in all
respects and in particular regarding possible compensation demands, are regarded
as null and void.

Article XV. (digestible version)
The Bavarian Crown recognizes the territorial sovereignty of the Austrian Crown
over the District of the town of Jungholz. Jungholz is connected to austria only
via the so-called highest peak of Steinberg mountain and otherwise completely
surrounded by Bavarian territory. The map in the Appendix lit. A II illustrates
the territory in question. The territory called Birkenschwand, however, remains
Bavarian territory. The Austrian Crown relinquishes all claims to other parts of
territory in the vicinity which the Austrian Crown have in the past considered
to form part of Jungholz. The Austrian Crown will also drop all other claims, to
compensation and others.

> Art. XVI.
> In soferne der kraft des vorstehenden Artikels von Baiern als
> oesterreichisches Gebiet anerkannte Bezirk der Gemainde Juingholz nicht
> durch die Realisirung des im Artikel XXXII naeher angedeuteten
> Gebietstausch-Projectes ohnediess an die Krone Baiern uebergehen sollte,
> wird eine detaillirte Graenzbeschreibung desselben nebst einer dieselbe
> versinnlichenden tabellarischen Uebersicht der Vormerkung mot gesonderter
> Nummerirung der Graenzpuncte in die Nachtrags-Uebereinkunft aufgenommen
> werden, um eine gleiche Behandlung dieser Inclaven-Graenz mit dem uebrigen
> Graenzzuge durchzufuehren.

Article XVI.
Insofar as the District of the town of Jungholz, recognized by Bavaria as being
part Austrian by means of the preceding Article, will not become Bavarian
territory anyway as stipulated in the proposed territorial exchange according to
Article XXXII, a detailed boundary description of the district will be included
in the addendum contract, which will include an illustrating tabular overview
with a special numbering of the boundary points, in order to guarantee the same
treatment of this enclave boundary as compared to the remaining boundary.

Article XVI (digestible version)
The Article XXXII deals with a proposed territorial exchange between Austria and
Bavaria. If the District of the town of Jungholz does not change back to
Bavarian hands in the course of this exchange, the addendum contract (a later
follow-up treaty?) will include a detailed boundary description of the enclave
boundary, including a table illustrating the boundary. The boundary points will
be assigned a separate numbering system. It is the aim, that enclave boundary
and the rest of the boundary are treated the same.

> Can someone post a translation of the above articles? A full translation of
> the Art 32 and the other Junholz-related bits would be grand too. Any decent
> university or excellent public library should have Parry, in their law or
> reference section. It contains international treaties from 1648 to 1918.
> For treaties 1918-1945 see the League of Nations Treaty Series, which was
> superceded by the UN Treaty Series in 1945. Again, university libraries
> should have these if you want to browse them.
> BW

Sorry Brendan, don't have the other articles.
If you have a scan, I shall be happy to comply
