Subject: Re: [BoundaryPoint] Re: DELU condo origins (fwd)
Date: Aug 07, 2001 @ 18:51
Author: David Mark (David Mark <dmark@...>)
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As I posted earlier, I think the sentence means just what it says, that
germany does not have a clear and unambiguous position on sovereignty
within Lake Constance, and I think that Biger's book was not researched
carefully enough in this case.

On Sat, 21 Jul 2001, Michael Donner wrote:

> david
> this is the second time you have posted this
> & now i ask again
> what do you suppose is meant here by the sentence
>   german holds no unambiguous opinion
> it may matter
> because i may have dreamt it
> but i am pretty sure gideon at least pinpoints the exact position of
> atchde within lake constance
> & several of the major zoomable maps also agree with gideon about this
> position & arrangement of the 3 convergent boundaries within the lake
> m
> >From: David Mark
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: [BoundaryPoint] Re: DELU condo origins (fwd)
> >Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 11:51:35 -0400 (EDT)
> >
> >
> >
> >---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 11:34:40 -0400
> >From: Barry Smith
> >To: David Mark
> >Subject: Re: [BoundaryPoint] Re: DELU condo origins (fwd)
> >
> > >---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > >Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 10:22:13 -0000
> > >From: David Birch
> > >Reply-To:
> > >To:
> > >Subject: [BoundaryPoint] Re: DELU condo origins
> > >
> > >I thought about the Ger-Aut condominium question and I recalled
> > >reading something some time ago about the status of Lake Constance
> > >(Bodensee). Is it true that the lake is a condominium of Germany,
> > >Austria and Switzerland? I've just done a search but the only thing
> > >of relevance I can find is this page (in German):
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >As far as I can see there is a condominium, but it's only recognised
> > >by Germany and Austria. Is this correct?
> >
> >
> >That is correct. The Swiss want to establish a boundary which partitions
> >the lake, the Germans and Austrians want to establish a condominium, but
> >the three of them have never been able to agree to the point where a
> border
> >treaty could be signed. I have a bundle of literature on this, if you
> wish,
> >but it's nearly all in German. Here are some translations of passages I
> >made for Brendan:
> >
> >
> >
> >Borders between states usually run down the middle of water bodies. A
> >special case is the German-Luxemburg border in the rivers Sauer and Our.
> >The bed and banks stand in a condominium of the two states. This means
> that
> >both states have sovereignty over the whole rive.
> >
> >Vielfach verlaufen Staatsgrenzen in Seen und Flüssen. Meist verlaufen
> diese
> >Grenzen in der Mitte der Gewässer. Eine Besonderheit bildet der Verlauf
> der
> >deutsch-luxemburgischen Grenze in den Flüssen Sauer und Our. Flussbett
> und
> >Uferböschung stehen im Kondominium beider Staaten. Dies bedeutet, dass
> >beide Staaten die Souveränität über den ganzen Fluss haben.
> >
> >Unclarity reigns in relation to Lake Constance. While Lake Überling
> belongs
> >completely to Germany, the course of the border in the rest of Lake
> >Constance is unclear. While Switzerland holds the view that the border
> runs
> >through the middle of the Lake, Austria is of the opinion that the lake
> >stands in condominium of all the states on its banks. German holds no
> >unambiguous opinion. Legel questions pertaining to ship transport and
> >fishing are regulated in separate treaties.
> >
> >
> >Unklarheit herrscht im Bodensee. Während der Überlingersee ganz zu
> >Deutschland gehört, ist der Grenzverlauf im übrigen Bodensee unklar.
> >Während die Schweiz der Ansicht ist, die Grenze verlaufe in der Mitte
> des
> >Sees, ist Österreich der Meinung, dass der See im Kondominium aller
> >Uferstaaten stehe. Deutschland vertritt keine eindeutige Meinung. Die
> >rechtlichen Fragen der Schifffahrt und Fischerei sind mit separaten
> >Verträgen geregelt.
> >
> >Here too disputes arise. One concerns a boat house which was moored in
> two
> >states, another concerns the rights to fish in the Bay of Bregenz. In
> >relation to the latter an Austrian family was of the opinion that it
> alone
> >had the right to fish in broad portions of the bay. This however was
> >accepted neither by the Austrian courts not by the organs and courts of
> the
> >other states.
> >
> >Aber auch hier kommt es zu Querelen. Einmal ging es um ein Bootshaus,
> das
> >in zwei Staaten stand, das andere Mal geht es um die Fischereirechte in
> der
> >Bregenzerbucht. Dort vertritt eine österreichische Fischerfamilie die
> >Ansicht, sie habe das alleinige Fischereirecht in weiten Teilen der
> Bucht.
> >Dies wird aber weder von den österreichischen Gerichten noch von den
> >Behörden und Gerichten der anderen Staaten anerkannt. (Grenzen erkennen
> -
> >Grenzen setzen? 1995, S. 94)
> >
> >
> >
> >Grenzen erkennen - Grenzen setzen? Vorträäge im Sommersemester 1994.
> >Heidelberger Verlagsanstalt, 1995
> >
> >
> >
> >
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