1. baarle-postcard
    hi len, this postcard is on ebay germany right now. heres the link: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2927273321&category=40397 regards, chris
    May 08, 2003 @ 20:07 - chris schulz ("chris schulz" <23568@gmx.de>)
  2. Re: baarle-postcard
    Thanks for the link. I appreciate it. I have the card, and what is strtange about the stamps, they weren t cancelled at Baarle - but in LeHavre or somewhere.
    May 08, 2003 @ 23:59 - L. A. Nadybal ("L. A. Nadybal" <lnadybal@...>)