1. Nya-rong - Tibet enclave in China 1727-1914
    This is just for the record . From Tibet: Past & Present , Sir Charles Bell KCIE, CMG, Clarendon Press, 1924: Pg. 155, discussing the Simla conference
    Mar 06, 2003 @ 03:24 - L. A. Nadybal ("L. A. Nadybal" <lnadybal@...>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] Nya-rong - Tibet enclave in China 1727-1914
    Hi Len, Thank you, regards, Chris ... From: L. A. Nadybal To: BoundaryPoint@yahoogroups.com Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 4:24 AM Subject: [BoundaryPoint]
    Mar 06, 2003 @ 03:34 - chris schulz ("chris schulz" <23568@...>)