1. ellicott mound found
    at last an example has been found of the elusive earthen mounds erected in 1799 by andrew ellicott as mile markers from the mississippi to the chattahoochee
    Dec 28, 2002 @ 23:07 - acroorca2002 <orc@orcoast.com> ("acroorca2002 <orc@...>" <orc@...>)
  2. Re: ellicott mound found
    I wonder if anyonw at the ASPLS can tell us whether the yellow rock in the ALGATN pincushion is the orginal (1818?) marker. BJB
    Dec 29, 2002 @ 00:40 - bjbutlerus <bjbutler@bjbsoftware.com> ("bjbutlerus <bjbutler@...>" <bjbutler@...>)
  3. Re: ellicott mound found
    yeah awesome or whether alflga has a marker in the bank of the chattahoochee like the mud turtle obeliskoid manhvt has deposited in the bank of the connecticut
    Dec 29, 2002 @ 01:24 - acroorca2002 <orc@orcoast.com> ("acroorca2002 <orc@...>" <orc@...>)