1. Border AU-DE Müselbach (Mueselbach)
    Hi, just found this nearly pene-enclave between Austria and Germany, close to Lindau / Lake Constance. does anyone know the story? map 1 is from the
    Dec 14, 2002 @ 17:45 - Chris Schulz ("Chris Schulz" <wertkauf@gmx.net>)
  2. Re: Border AU-DE Müselbach (Mueselbach)
    Greetings, I drove through this area in the late 1980s to see what it was all about, back when I lived in Germany. It is not a pene-exclave, just a quirk in
    Dec 16, 2002 @ 15:59 - L. A. Nadybal <lnadybal@comcast.net> ("L. A. Nadybal <lnadybal@...>" <lnadybal@...>)