1. Seccession trend in Kaliningrad
    http://www.delfi.lt/news/daily/world/article.php?id=1585148 8 Percent of Kaliningraders Support Seccession from Russia Baltic News Service November 18, 2002
    Nov 19, 2002 @ 02:22 - Karolis B. ("Karolis B." <kbajoraz@...>)
  2. spelling
    Acrooca, I know I messed up with resident s, instead of residents in the second-before-last paragraph (but I published without editing), and I realize
    Nov 19, 2002 @ 02:35 - Karolis B. ("Karolis B." <kbajoraz@...>)
  3. Re: spelling
    hahahaha whattt is there an acrooca too now surely no pal of mine unless there is an acoorca to match btw its freakin not freaking seriously tho it sure looks
    Nov 19, 2002 @ 03:19 - acroorca2002 ("acroorca2002" <orc@...>)