1. extreme pal news tour try revisited
    grant on further reflection now that i realize what you can do & while some of my earlier reflections are still missing in the ether i believe our try pointing
    Nov 21, 2001 @ 22:25 - michael donner (michael donner <orc@...>)
  2. Re: extreme pal news tour try revisited
    Michael: GeoNet has downloadables for all countries but the USA. That defect is filled by the USGS, which provides state-by-state data for the US and some
    Nov 21, 2001 @ 23:48 - Grant Hutchison (Grant Hutchison <granthutchison@...>)
  3. Re: extreme pal news tour try revisited
    grant major thanx very interesting & of course i would like to give it a try so i do gratefully accept your offer even while not grasping its implications
    Nov 22, 2001 @ 00:05 - orc@orcoast.com (orc@...)