1. Enclaves and Exclaves being Created?
    Enclaves and Exclaves being Created? I found this interesting site on Palestine, not on maps but our group might be interested in studying the maps on the site
    Aug 05, 2001 @ 21:36 - Emil Boasson (Emil Boasson <eb3@...>)
  2. RE: [BoundaryPoint] Enclaves and Exclaves being Created?
    Bléss, Emil! Thanks for this information. The map is excellent. I have been looking for this kind of map for a long time! (My home page was updated today.)
    Aug 05, 2001 @ 21:55 - Jan Krogh ("Jan Krogh" <jakro64@...>)
  3. Re: Enclaves and Exclaves being Created?
    ... Nice map, thanks. With a bit of work, some imagination and my trusty Icelandic dictionary, I think I can translate the key as follows: Region A: Area under
    Aug 05, 2001 @ 23:21 - Grant Hutchison ("Grant Hutchison" <granthutchison@...>)