1. ketzug fish condo promoters up bid to full union
    but meanwhile the fishermen are still in jail http://www.nationaudio.com/News/DailyNation/Today/News/News1108200398.html & you know how these things go still
    Aug 11, 2003 @ 16:24 - Michael Donner ("Michael Donner" <barbaria_longa@...>)
  2. Re: ketzug fish condo promoters up bid to full union
    meanwhile back in the real world of tripointing a tripartite commission is formed within the existing loosely constituted ketzug political association & it
    Aug 18, 2003 @ 00:58 - m06079 ("m06079" <barbaria_longa@...>)
  3. Re: ketzug fish condo promoters up bid to full union
    & meanwhile again tzug gets the resurvey & new set of markers it has been expecting since message 8978 & has been needing since idi amin
    Aug 19, 2003 @ 20:50 - acroorca2002 ("acroorca2002" <orc@...>)