MEXLIST member Dr. John A. Kirchner first sent us two Raymundo Collada photos of Cervecería Moctezuma beer boxcars that Raymundo had produced. Further contact with Raymundo brought the following response:

The beer cars were developed from information and photographs given to me by John Kirchner, as well as from testimonies of old-timers who actually saw them. I used an Ertl 40-foot double-sheated boxcar. It matches the prototype except for the door, which is kit-bashed, as no commercial substitute is available. The model's trucks are discarded, and Kadee Bettendorf trucks are installed. The couplers are Kadee number 58, and the air hoses are Kadee too. The car is weighted according to NMRA practice and weathered to match the photograph. It has separated grabs and all undergear details. The most difficult parts were the decals. They were computer-developed and screen printed. The data and graphics are totally accurate. The paint is custom-made by an auto paint dealer, and the weathering shows good use and maintenance.

Raymundo intends to sell these cars to-order, because they are not mass produced. Cervecería Moctezuma had about 140 cars, so that will be the total production. The price is US$60 (US dollars) plus shiping via UPS or FedEx from México, D.F. Please contact Raymundo in Spanish or English at for details on ordering, paying, and shipping.

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Close-up of Cervecería Moctezuma beer car CMOX 114 model


Five beer cars behind NdeM steam on Raymundo's layout

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