1. Mostar in BosniaHercegovina
    Usually borders in Europe are peaceful places, but there are exceptions to the rule: I found this picture of Mostar, the divided city in Bosnia in the Danish
    Jun 26, 2001 @ 08:20 - Peter Hering ("Peter Hering" <hering@mail.tele.dk>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] Mostar in BosniaHercegovina
    I ve thrown up some pics I took in Bosnia in 97... a few from the Bihac pocket down to Sarajevo. (I really need to fix my site). Have a look at:
    Jun 26, 2001 @ 16:27 - Doug Murray, StockPhotosOnline ("Doug Murray, StockPhotosOnline" <dmurray@...>)