1. Boundary definition
    How is the term watershed defined in contrary to the term bank/shore? Jesper
    Jun 26, 2001 @ 06:00 - Jesper & Nicolette Nielsen ("Jesper & Nicolette Nielsen" <jesniel@...>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] Boundary definition
    Shore is the immediate vicinity of the sea (the beach and perhaps some distance inland, the distance being relative. Bank is the vertical or high-gradient wall
    Jun 26, 2001 @ 06:06 - Brendan Whyte ("Brendan Whyte" <brwhyte@...>)
  3. Re: Boundary definition
    ... some ... Reminds me that the southern Cypriot power station enclave has its sea border defined by mean low water, with British territory beyond that.
    Jun 28, 2001 @ 23:18 - Grant Hutchison ("Grant Hutchison" <granthutchison@...>)