1. political week in america rainbow on your trypointing dial
    87 lunatic fringe very good 86 ultra radical all wet 83 liberal ahhh violets 65 moderate what me worry 61 conservative ahhh roses 30
    Aug 06, 2000 @ 15:18 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)
  2. RE: [BoundaryPoint] political week in america rainbow on your trypointing dial
    hahahaha! Very good, Mick! ... From: michael donner [mailto:m@discovernet.net] Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 11:18 AM To: BoundaryPoint@egroups.com Subject:
    Aug 06, 2000 @ 20:24 - Bill Hanrahan ("Bill Hanrahan" <hanrahan@...>)
  3. RE: [BoundaryPoint] political week in america rainbow on your trypointing dial
    ... thanx bill very good to see you laughing regularly here again m
    Aug 06, 2000 @ 22:33 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)
  4. RE: [BoundaryPoint] political week in america rainbow on your trypointing dial
    Glad to be back...it seems I ve got a lot of reading to catch up on. B
    Aug 06, 2000 @ 22:27 - Jane Hanrahan ("Jane Hanrahan" <hanrahan@...>)
  5. RE: [BoundaryPoint] political week in america rainbow on your trypointing dial
    hahahaha well that is largely my doing but it truly is all optional & sort of like background music if anything m
    Aug 06, 2000 @ 23:07 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)