1. Re: [BoundaryPoint] dual citizens
    Australia allows dual citizens for those from other countries coming to Australia, but revokes the citizenship of those obtaining other citizenships. Thus a
    Jun 03, 2001 @ 02:23 - Brendan Whyte ("Brendan Whyte" <brwhyte@...>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] dual citizens
    ... This is true not only for Baarle but for the whole EU since some years. Anybody having a passport of one EU member state may vote in the muncipal elections
    Jun 03, 2001 @ 06:45 - Manfred Haertel (Manfred Haertel <Manfred.Haertel@...>)
  3. Re: [BoundaryPoint] dual citizens
    ... What about if you don t live there but you own a house there? Surely a non-resident landowner gets a say in the municipality that charges him rates? Also,
    Jun 04, 2001 @ 01:21 - Brendan Whyte ("Brendan Whyte" <brwhyte@...>)
  4. Re: dual citizens
    In Massachusetts you cannot vote in town elections or participate in town meetings (the official form of government in many towns) unless you are a registered
    Jun 04, 2001 @ 01:50 - bjbutler@bjbsoftware.com (bjbutler@...)
  5. Re: [BoundaryPoint] Re: dual citizens
    Nothing like democracy! Sort of like residents and even US citizens in Washington DC who had fewer rights than citizens in the 50 states because DC was not a
    Jun 04, 2001 @ 02:58 - Brendan Whyte ("Brendan Whyte" <brwhyte@...>)
  6. Re: [BoundaryPoint] dual citizens
    In the US, even a resident land-owner like me gets no say in local elections if not a US Citizen. Canada changed to that system back in the 1970s. In the
    Jun 06, 2001 @ 12:02 - David Mark (David Mark <dmark@...>)
  7. Re: [BoundaryPoint] dual citizens
    So what happens if (a purely technical question) a small municpality, say Rolling hills in Los Angeles, has ONLY foreign (non-US citien) landowners? Unlikely,
    Jun 07, 2001 @ 01:06 - Brendan Whyte ("Brendan Whyte" <brwhyte@...>)
  8. Re: [BoundaryPoint] dual citizens
    You don t have to be a land owner in the US or Canada to vote-- just a citizen. Are there any countries where you must be a landowner to vote? Anyway, if in a
    Jun 07, 2001 @ 01:35 - David Mark (David Mark <dmark@...>)