1. 30 days to find a frbr stone but why
    http://www.m6.fr/emissions/impossible/guyane.htm & 4 jump pages with possible video stream describe a 30 day expedition to recover an apparently ordinary frbr
    Mar 29, 2001 @ 22:26 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)
  2. Re: [BoundaryPoint] 30 days to find a frbr stone but why
    So, it s not just the Brasilian farmers and McDonalds but also the French army who fell Amazon rainforest. An interesting alliance: McDonalds and the French! B
    Mar 30, 2001 @ 00:27 - Brendan Whyte ("Brendan Whyte" <brwhyte@...>)
  3. Re: [BoundaryPoint] 30 days to find a frbr stone but why
    ... a mcdalliance hey but at least we are talkin french here m er do you mean that whole trip was just for lumbering
    Mar 31, 2001 @ 13:37 - michael donner (michael donner <m@...>)